Almost everyone is running after money, trying to understand wealth in vedic hora chart analysis. But it remains a mirage for most. Using the numerous snapshot astrology "techniques" that we see so often don't take us anywhere near understanding the real wealth potential leave aside taking some practical steps to realize the potential. Then we have a plethora of cheap roadside remedies to increase the wealth. Such videos/articles go viral with millions of fools seriously hoping to get wealthy and earn handsome money using these tricks from digital marketers. In fact, those who habitually throng such videos/posts in social media are the proven ones not to make it. Cruel and sad but true. They actually chase a mirage not real wealth - whatever wealth means for the individual.

So let's take practical steps to wealth and finance analysis using hora astrology. It's very easy and cheesy to throw a list of dhana yogas (ie wealth combinations) in a chart along with couple of cherry picked examples. That is not how I am going to approach wealth analysis in this article. I will show practical steps to do wealth and money analysis in a vedic chart that consistently work. I also need to caution that there are some shocking facts about hora (D2) chart analysis and wealth astrology by date of birth if you have been following the crowd of "best technique" astrologers. An open mind for real astrology of the seers is required to benefit from this article.
This article is for analysis of self earned wealth - the money that's earned with self efforts.
There are NO EXAMPLE CHARTS. Haven't we seen plenty of them already? But there is one example chart that none shows. Your own chart. That's the example chart in this system so please open your own chart.
Wealth and money analysis - the comprehensive 3-step approach
When it comes to horoscope reading, let's define 3 step approach to study wealth.
- The basic rashi (D1) chart structure - how supportive is it for acquisition of wealth and money. Each chart has a basic structure between ascendant, Sun and the Moon. We study some specific and clearly defined combinations to understand the natural qualities of the native to build assets.
- Hora (D2) chart - this analysis gives us clarity to identify the planets in horoscope that support income generation, wealth and asset building.
- Dhana yogas (wealth combinations) and their strength in the chart - this step gives us a definite understanding of the kind of income levels the person will actually earn and will he/she be able to convert those earnings to assets.
It's only after we have analyzed the horoscope in above steps, can we understand the gaps and obstacles in financial growth and wealth creation. Most wealth analysis techniques even if sincere, restrict only to step 2 or step 3 in isolation. That shows incomplete and potentially wrong picture.
Step 1: Basic chart structure for career and finance
Sun and the Moon are respectively the soul and body/mind. Ascendant is the jeeva i.e. life force. For any good or bad thing to happen in life, the luminaries will always show the cause and effect within the scope of this birth. They reflect the two binaries, the polarities without which nothing "moves" in our mind, body and life. So could our finance and asset be an exception?
Let's dive in. The basic chart structure is about the synergy between Sun and the Moon. It's based on Moon's position as counted from Sun. According to shlokas in Brihat Jataka, Saravali and Phaldeepika, there are 3 categories of Moon's position with respect to Sun.

Moon is at kendra (angular houses) i.e. 1, 4, 7 or 10 from Sun. In this position of Moon, the native has below average modesty, wealth, knowledge, intelligence and skills. This is about the natural instinct. It's important to understand that emphasis in this shloka is about wealth and knowledge that's earned with own efforts only. The construct of the Sanskrit phrase "विनयवित्तज्ञानधीनैपुणानि" (vinayvittgyandhinaipune) places modesty at the beginning, then money, knowledge, intelligence and skills.
This structure between Sun and the Moon is more likely to make the person arrogant or rude in mind. Behaviour is related to other factors but this is about our mind and thought process. So this is the challenging structure for those who wish to earn wealth with own knowledge, intelligence and skills. Being modest is challenging in this combination and that's so important for gaining knowledge and skills that earn money. People with this combination have own ego as biggest stumbling block in earning money. Issues with knowledge and skills are comparatively easier to handle than ego.
- Moon is at panaphara (succedent) houses i.e. 2, 5, 8 or 11 from Sun. In this position of Moon relative to the Sun, the native has average modesty and thereby average potential to earn wealth, knowledge and skills through self efforts. In this arrangement between Sun and the Moon, the ego is usually not the main challenge but willingness/motivation to learning new skills and knowledge is. When we say "knowledge" in the context of wealth, it's not exactly the bookish knowledge but the real knowledge and grasping power of money flow. Bookish knowledge is only a tool. This can be worked upon by natives having this structure between the two luminaries.
- Moon is at apoklima (cadent) houses i.e. 3, 6, 9 or 12 from Sun. In this position of Moon, the native has good modesty and bigger potential to earn money through own knowledge and intelligence. Please remember all these 4 positions of Moon are not equal in effect. For example, position of Moon at 6th or 9th from Sun is much better than the other two positions because Moon is stronger at these positions by virtue of being much farther from Sun. The context is about intelligence and money. The potential goes higher with benefic influences on Moon for example, placement in good/friendly sign eg Cancer,Taurus, Gemini etc. aspected by a strong natural benefic eg. Jupiter or Mercury and so on.
Essentially, people with Moon at apoklima houses i.e. 3, 6, 9 or 12 from Sun are naturally intelligent people because of their openness to new ideas. They are likely to be more open minded to the knowledge and ideas that create wealth.
Does it not have exceptions? Yes, this has exception if ascendant lord is stronger than Sun and Moon and also receives aspect from natural benefic planet(s).
So that concludes the first step in wealth analysis which was about understanding the attitude and mental conditioning to earn money and create assets. If at this stage your interest or motivation is faltering and you are losing focus it indicates the mental challenges that you personally have in financial matters :-)
Step 2: How to read hora (D2) chart for money
As I mentioned in the introduction, Hora (D2) chart analysis will bring some shocking information for you if you have been looking at videos/articles where there is a D2 chart with 12 houses and 12 signs and someone is analyzing that D2 chart to study money and prosperity.
First of all let's look at the definition of what is hora in space.
Hora means half a sign. It represents the day and night cycles and measures 15 degrees in the sign. Each sign has two halves i.e. hora and therefore there are total 12 * 2 = 24 hora in the zodiac.
Next, we need to look at ownership of these horas i.e. which planets rule these hora. Where will we look for definition of such Jyotish concepts? Obviously what sages wrote in classical text. Thankfully, in the definition and ownership of hora all classics are unanimous - from BPHS, Brihat Jataka, Saravali, Phaldeepika, Jataka Parijat, you name it, they all give same definition of hora.

The above verses say that signs starting from Aries are respectively ruled by planets Mars onward which we already know from classics. What the next verse says is in odd signs, the first half (first 15 degrees) or hora is the "kshetra" or territory of Sun and second half (next 15 degree) is the territory of Moon. The area is therefore understood to be respective sign owned by the planet because the sign ownership by planets have just been defined in previous verse. Odd signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Rest of the 6 signs are even ones. In even signs, the order of hora rulership is reversed i.e. first half is Moon's area and second half is Sun's area.
So, Sun's area is translated as Leo and Moon's area as Cancer. That means each sign has two hora signs - Leo and Cancer only. This is the most widely agreed distribution of hora across all 12 signs in accordance with all astrology classics available in public domain.
Now here comes the shocking part - As per the definition of hora and the signs allowed therein, we can have only Cancer and Leo signs. So, a planet and ascendant degree can go to either Leo or Cancer sign. We cannot have planets placed in any sign other than these two. But what does a popular D2 chart in social media, softwares and even modern books show? They show a chart which has 12 houses and 12 signs but all planets are either placed only in Leo/Cancer or planets placed all over the signs, even other than Leo/Cancer.
Now think about this - if you understood the simple definition of hora (above), do you think planets have any business being shown in non-Leo/Cancer signs? Are they all not violating the clear and unambiguous definition given in our text? It's not a question of using individual method or interpretation. This is not about some exclusive divine grace to understand or secret tradition. It's just a technical definition of hora saying which planet goes to what hora sign.
So all those fancy D2 charts are not supposed to be charts but they are just tables/matrix. They only show which planet went to Leo hora and which one to Cancer. You can't have any of those other 10 signs in hora discussion so why are we forcing it in a hora chart? It's not allowed by definition.
That means all the story telling that you heard about house lordships in Hora (D2) chart analysis, all those yogas, aspects are fantasies at best. The D2 chart doesn't exist! There is nothing called hora chart. There is only a hora table/matrix. You only have a binary hora table instead, showing planets in Leo Vs planets in Cancer hora. That throws all that manufactured complication in vedic astrology out of the window.
Let that shocking revelation sink in.
Having understood what is the REAL HORA CHART (D2) according to the correct definition given by our ancients, let's now see how to use that simplified knowledge in wealth analysis.
So now we need to only focus on this binary i.e. a planet is in Sun's hora or in Moon's. To take this journey forward, let's look at the golden verse mentioned in Phaldeepika chap 3 verse 12. This verse also exists in other classics e.g. Saravali, Brihat Jataka, etc.

When natural malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn) occupy Sun's hora in odd signs they make the native strong, wealthy, unkind (or cruel). So they help in materialistic pursuits of status, victory, competition etc and help in wealth accumulation through these qualities. On the other hand, when natural benefics (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon) are placed in Moon's hora in even signs they give splendour, good manners/decent behaviour and communication and overall a pleasant disposition. The meaning that applies here is these planets if such placed as mentioned, help in comfortable living with the help of these qualities.
For purpose of earning money and comfortable life, we want natural malefics to be placed in first 15 degree in odd signs whereas the ideal position (for wealth) of natual benefics is first 15 degree of even signs.
In practice, though Mercury is a natural benefic by default can work well for money in either of the two favourable hora i.e. in Sun's hora in odd signs and Moon's hora in even signs. It's dual nature comes in handy here.
For any hope of enjoying wealth (and long life), the dispositor (sign lord) of ascendant lord and dispositor of Moon should be strong.
Here it's important to understand the difference between how natural benefic versus malefics help in materialistic fulfillment. The natural benefics if placed in the desired sign and hora, advance our income and finance for the purpose of sustenance, comfort, enjoyment and luxuries. The natural malefics on the other hand help in finances by focusing on public status, authority, power and victories.
At this juncture, it's also important to understand that all the fundamentals of astrology apply here mainly, the planet that's placed in the desired sign and hora for wealth, should be strong enough to do any good. A weak planet only creates possibilities but doesn't deliver.
This is real hora (D2) analysis for wealth because it conforms to the hora rules laid down by sages.
So this step helps us identify the planets that are well disposed to help make money and through which means. Natural malefic and benefics have different ways of helping in finances as we just saw (above).
If the planets are placed in opposite manner i.e. natural malefics placed in Moon's hora in odd sign and natural benefics placed in Sun's hora in even signs, they can work quite opposite i.e. depleting our resources and creating obstacles in financial growth.
This step is a great help when we want to use Astrology to reduce the obstacles and improve income generation, wealth creation and asset management.
In practice, we often find that most charts have these planets placed in mixed manner and as a result most people keep getting mixed results in the domain of wealth. This analysis gives us a clear picture to identify the helpful and unhelpful planets for money.
The strength and dignity of these money friendly planets decide the amount of wealth in the chart.
Step 3: Dhana yogas and their strength in the chart (Wealth and money combinations)
Having understood the mental "wealth" qualities of the native as well as identifying the favourable/unfavourable planets for money in previous steps, it's time to look at the money houses, wealth yogas and their real potential in the chart.
Let's first understand the important houses in the chart for money and the specific role they play in wealth acquisition.
Understanding money friendly houses
- Second (2nd) house - everyone knows about 2nd house as accumulation of wealth or dhana bhava i.e. money house. What many people don't know is 2nd house is also called as house of gyan i.e. knowledge in some classics for example Sarvartha chintamani (chapter 3 verse 1) and Uttar Kalamrita (chapter 5 verse 3). It's also the house of speech, right eye, sustenance (and food), family (community), all the material and human resources including servant, etc. So what kind of education is seen from 2nd house? It's the attitude and understanding of money that's influenced by the family and cultural background. So, it's not the academic textbook economics but the knowledge of wealth and money (making).
- Eleventh (11th) house - of all gains, material and otherwise. This is the house of income. When income is collected at one place, it would be the "house" of money i.e. 4th from this house which is 2nd house. So all that we gained in 11th house is consolidated or accumulated in 4th house from it which is 2nd house. That is why 2nd house is the house of wealth - it "houses" the material gains being 4th from 11th house. So, appreciating and movable assets are seen from 2nd house.
- Ninth (9th) house - is the house of "राज्यकृपा" (rajya kripa) or receiving the fruits of good faith/benevolence from the authorities and decision makers. The potential to be favoured by those who control and distribute the resources we need is seen in 9th house. This is a great helping hand and in many cases the deal maker or breaker (but not always). If 2nd and 11th houses are strong along-with the lagna lord's strong placement in good/friendly sign, good house and not within 10 degrees from Sun, there is less dependence on 9th house. Strong lagna lord indicates strength of own efforts and ability to overcome the obstacles.
- Fifth (5th) house - is another house of luck wherein we are blessed to receive what we love (money or spiritual progress or both) by virtue of past good deeds (purva punya). This is also house of enjoyment, fun and celebrations so it's strength and prominence shows the person will be able to have some enjoyment in life (with money earned by self or others). Like 9th house, it's not a requirement but supporting house for money. If this house is strong but 2nd and 11th houses are weak it shows enjoyment not with self earned income. On the contrary, if 2nd and 11th houses are strong but 5th house is weak it shows finances are good but happiness is elusive. Usually you expect when people have money they will use it for enjoyment in life too, hence it's an important house for wealth considerations.
So now that we properly understand the important houses in the context of wealth, it calls for re-emphasis on the role of ascendant as well it's lord's strength. Afterall, ascendant is self and strong self is must for material gains.
Now it's time to see the (above) money houses and planets in action in chart analysis.
Dhana yogas or wealth combinations in vedic chart
This is the next challenge. I have read hundreds of dhana yogas in classical texts. Are we supposed to remember them all and apply each one of them in each chart that we see? Even if possible, were they meant to be used like that? It's very easy to pick a list of 5-10 such yogas and make a video or Facebook post but it serves no purpose. What's more helpful is to catch the specific and common pattern between them and understand it's variations. Then we look for that pattern or it's variations in every chart. All of this has to happen with minimal or no memory aid. We just understand the common pattern and learn how to apply. This is effective implementation of yogas.
Yogas are nothing but energies of different planets combining in the capacity as lords of specific houses and their natural significations operating in the houses in which they are placed or aspecting. First we need to understand the basic requirement of wealth in chart analysis.
To set the ball rolling, let's take a specific dhana yoga i.e. money combination and dissect it to understand the pattern.
This dhana yoga from Bhavartha ratnakar is excellent verse to set the ball rolling. This yoga with it's variation is mentioned in almost all classical texts except only a few. If we can break it down, we are well on our way.

We will understand the backbone pattern of majority wealth yogas using this one shloka. This is an excellent representative verse of hundreds of yogas. First let's see the translation. The shloka says if lord of 2nd house is placed in 5th house and lord of 5th house is placed in 2nd house OR lord of 2nd house is placed in 11th house and lord of 11th house is placed in 2nd house OR if lord of 5th is placed in 5th house and lord of 9th house is placed in 9th house, the native gets lot of wealth.
It will be naive to see all these possibilities in one chart because it would be extremely rare to find one. Let's break it down, simplify it and understand the money in chart:
- If 2nd house lord is in 5th house and 5th house lord is in 2nd house - this is a parivartan yoga (exchange yoga) between 2nd and 5th house lords i.e. these two planets are placed in each other's sign. What the deeper meaning here is the RELATIONSHIP between 2nd and 5th house lords. Now, exchange of sign placements is not the only relationship between planets. The variation of this pattern is if the 2nd and 5th house lords are in conjunction or mutually aspecting each other. All these scenarios i.e. sign exchange, conjunction and mutual aspect fulfill this requirement of RELATIONSHIP between 2nd and 5th house lords. This is a dhana yoga.
- If the lord of 2nd house is in 11th house and lord of 11th house is in 2nd house - this is a parivartan yoga or sign exchange between 2nd and 11th house lords. Now you know you have to see if the 2nd and 11th house lords are forming the relationship between them by means of sign exchange, conjunction or mutual aspect between them. This is also dhana or wealth yoga.
- If the lord of 5th house is placed in 5th and lord of 9th is placed in 9th house - it means lords of these two houses are strong because they are placed in auspicious houses (5th and 9th are auspicious houses) and these houses also become strong since their respective lords are placed therein. What are the variations ? Even if 5th lord aspects own sign i.e. 5th house and/or 9th lord aspects own 9th house, this yoga works.
This yoga also works if 2nd house lord is aspecting or placed in 2nd house and 11th house lord is aspecting or placed in 11th house.
It's a fundamental knowledge that any house becomes strong if it's lord is strong and the house receives an aspect from either it's lord or from Jupiter or both. Why Jupiter? Because Jupiter is significator of money, wealth and sustenance since it's the karaka (significator) of 2nd house of wealth and 11th house of gains. Jupiter's favourable placement in hora (step 2 above) is an excellent signal for material prosperity.
Venus is a planet of enjoyment and gratification of the senses. It's natural signification is not money/wealth but having fun with it. Venus gives money in the capacity of it's lordship of money houses in the chart or it's relationship with them, but not by means of it's natural signification in regards to wealth. That's Jupiter's natural signification.
Yes, Venus in 12th house has been hailed as being good for wealth because 12th house is about bliss or indulgence – spiritual or carnal. Venus in 12th will generally favour the carnal enjoyment and help provide the materialistic resources (money) required for that. It however is not necessarily self earned. Generally 2nd house lord in 12th house of spending/loss is not a great placement, even Venus as 2nd house lord in 12th house will get a good amount of money spent in bliss/enjoyment but Saturn as 2nd house lord placed in 12th house will support wealth by restricting the 12th house bliss/enjoyment because it will aspect it’s own sign 2nd house and protect the money by saving. Not necessarily a happy experience for 12th house enjoyments in life considering Saturn's own dry nature. This is how the natural nature of planets play their roles in similar ownership and placements.
The strength of 2nd and 11th house lords is the key to finances along with that of Jupiter.
It's also fundamental concept of vedic astrology that a house prospers if the house itself, its lord and significator are strong and receive benefic aspect. Lords of the money houses 2nd and 11th we can see in the chart and Jupiter is the significator.
All good yogas including dhana yoga works out in real if ascendant sign and it's lord is strong. Otherwise it's very unlikely they will work out.
Now let's see what are the spoilers of these wealth giving patterns that we just understood in the chart. When we are talking of the RELATIONSHIP between two planets e.g. between 2nd and 11th lord or 2nd and 5th lord, we don't want them to have any relationship with 6th, 8th or 12th house lords. Now if that "bad" guy e.g. 8th house lord is Jupiter joining 2nd and 5th lords relationship, it's not going to do much harm for wealth purposes (because it's a significator of wealth) but will damage other significations of 2nd house. It will certainly reduce the level of auspiciousness and bring the amount of wealth down because of it's 8th house lordship. If we had some other planet (instead of Jupiter) as 8th house lord joining this relationship between 2nd + 5th lords, the yoga would almost be invalidated.
There are certain logical indications that we can easily pick up. If 11th house is strong but 2nd house is weak or average, the person is good at earning money but not so in accumulation or building asset. If 2nd house is strong but 11th house is weak, the person is benefited by "family" assets for example jewellery and other resources that were personally not earned. They are also good at saving or utilization of resources and money.
Every ascendant has some specific situations that one has to take into account. For Leo and Aquarius ascendants, Mercury and Jupiter respectively are lords of both the money houses i.e. 2nd and 11th. In these ascendants, it's critical that the planet (lord) is strong (as well as it's dispositor i.e. sign lord). All you need is that planet to combine with 5th or 9th lord and the house receives a natural benefic aspect.
For Capricorn ascendant for example, the situation is entirely different. Here Mars is 11th house lord and Saturn is 2nd house lord. Any RELATIONSHIP between them via sign exchange/parivartan yoga, conjunction or mutual aspect is great for wealth, together with any relationship with Venus. Here the tricky factor is about Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of "bad" house for money i.e. 12th house. If Jupiter joins Mars+Saturn relationship, its not a good factor for the wealth combination but it's aspect on 2nd or 11th house is always good in capacity of it's nature as natural benefic and additionally as significator (karaka) of these houses.
Hence we need to apply these fundamentals of astrology when we are doing money analysis in the chart.
If you understood these dynamics between houses, their lordships and significators and what are you looking for in step 2 and 3, you are well on your way to do real wealth analysis in chart.
As we now understand the good and bad factors of wealth analysis in details, we can see that most charts have both good and bad factors which means it's an average chart for money. Most people actually have average charts.
Putting everything together
If you apply the above 3 steps properly, you can always spot a "good chart" for wealth. Now let's reconfirm if the good chart will actually deliver.
Reconfirmation is a two step process :
- Confirmation from Moon sign - When we see houses as counted from Moon, it shows the experience of the mind. If there is wealth in one's chart (as seen from ascendant sign), it's obvious the person will experience wealth in conscious mind too. So we need to check the strength of the relevant house from Moon as well. The 2nd and 11th houses from Moon (counted from Moon) should also be strong by the above yardstick. The above dhana yogas if seen from Moon also work very well if Moon is strong in the chart.
- Confirmation from vargas/divisions - Here we need to put the planets identified in step 2 and step 3 to test by looking at the vargas (sign divisions) they occupy in D9, D3, D2, D12 and D30. Here we see only one thing - which are the signs occupied by a planet in these divisions. For example, if we have identified Saturn as a planet that's favourable for money in our analysis so far, we want Saturn to occupy it's sign of exaltation, own sign or signs of it's friend in these vargas. So for Saturn, we want it to be placed in Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo, etc. Among this list of signs, even signs work better than odd ones for money purposes so Capricorn and Virgo will work better for money (in case of Saturn in this example). Among these vargas (above), most important are D9 and D3 and D2. If a planet occupies "good" signs in these vargas, it becomes capable of actually delivering the results instead of just promise.
Special mention : if the money-favourable planet is in same navamsa sign as it's rashi, (planet in same sign in D1 and D9), other than it's sign of debilitation, it's called vargottama and becomes very potent to give excellent financial results specially if it's in friend's sign or own or exaltation.
It's important that the lords of ascendant, 2nd and 11th houses are in good vargas i.e. good signs in D9 navamsa, D3 drekkhana etc for the respective lord. It's also important that the lords of those varga signs are not weak in rashi D1. The role of this strength has been greatly stressed in classics most notably Jataka Parijata and Sarvartha chintamani.
When same planet(s) keeps showing up in steps 2 and step 3 as favourable for wealth and finance, the overall amount of wealth potential increases. That planet(s) needs it's dispositor (sign lord) to possess atleast average strength if not strong in the chart. These are fundamentals of astrology. If that planet (dispositor) goes to sign of debilitation or is combust (within 10 degree or lesser from Sun in practice), the financial gains are average at best. The positive results for wealth will be delivered in dasha/bhukti of that dispositor planet or by a planet that's placed in the nakshatra of the planet(s) that are favourable for money, typically 2nd or 11th house lord.
For a given amount of wealth that people create in similar situation with roughly similar skills, some are able to have it easy while others have to really work hard for the same amount of money. This is not about about high or low volume but ease. More natural benefics at upachaya houses i.e. 3, 6, 10 and 11 help is accumulation with ease whereas natural malefics makes one work hard and by helping to overcome obstacles. Remember, if these natural malefics are the strong “money planets” in the chart as observed in previous steps, they can do extremely well in generating income by giving tremendous amount of resolve and skills to fight it out there . That is why natural malefics are considered good in 3, 6 and 11 houses. As natural malefics, they are better at "snatching" resources as compared to benefics. These houses i.e. 3, 6 and 11 are houses of taking resources for self, irrespective of how justifiable the means are.
There are some important auspicious and inauspicious indications in the chart that reflect the larger picture in matters of wealth and comfort in life. We already know the importance of ascendant lord's strength. If the strength of lord of rising navamsa (rising sign of D9) is good in rashi chart (D1), then the native enjoys good comforts in life even with below average wealth. If the strength of rising drekkan (lord of rising sign in D3) is good in rashi chart (D1), the native enjoys status and respect. These planets help in getting much better results in these matters of life for a given effort made by the native and if weak or ill placed in rashi chart, make the native work harder to get same results for a given amount of effort.
How I do finance and career consultation (counselling) sessions using astrology in 21st century
Author : Partho Banerjee